
Hello all!

I am about to embark on a 3 month long trip to Nicaragua, and I will be writing and posting photos on this blog to share with family and friends my experience. I'll also be use blog to document my experience in southern India, where I'll be from January-April/May.

I will be going to Nicaragua with a specific volunteer gap year program called Amigos de las Americas. There are 4 volunteers, including myself, and in Nicaragua we will be dispersed throughout a couple regions, and placed with host families. Once we're in the country we will each be assigned to a partner agency of Amigos that does various types of non-profit community work. I'm not sure where I'll be placed yet, but I'm excited to find out! As well as volunteering, we will also have 3 excursions throughout the trip each month, to different parts of Nicaragua.

I'll try to post often to keep everyone updated, which should be fairly easy because most homes have WiFi and there are plenty of Internet cafes.

Adios for now!


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